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Technology Discovery Software to Support Innovation

The data is out there, mining it is the challenge.

We can all agree that Google is a great search engine and if you understand advanced searching it’s even better but it still brings back a lot of data and combing through it to find your needle in the haystack can become an extremely time-consuming job that can take up a lot of resources and more specifically FTEs.  As Tech Scouters ourselves, we completely understand what it’s like to be working with 3 browsers open, viewing multiple tabs, and trying to save the valuable data in Excel while making sure you got everything important before you forgot how you found it.  Let’s not even talk about lost searches.  


Ezassi’s Tech Landscaping software is a must-have tool for any Tech Scouter.  Our search term initiator engages all our discovery tools and brings back results across all resources including emerging tech, Crunchbase, and Patents. 


A platform designed to capture technology and market data — all in one place 


Tech Discovery Engine

A Powerful Technology Tool Designed to Filter Out the Noise

For exploring a product or technology our discovery engine mines data from over 385 million global records, well beyond traditional search engines.  It solves for the innovation pain points of identifying disruptive and emerging technology, locating startup incubators, sourcing vendors and find subject matter experts.  Our tech discovery tool will save you significant time and resources, improve your target discovery, help uncover adjacent technologies and save you money.  


Our suggested terms help scouters explore adjacencies and our year by year keyword indicator will help spot emerging trends.  

Advanced filtering helps scouters drill down the results to pinpoint technology and innovation conferences, publications (such as scientific and technology briefs and journals), news coverages, trademarks, grant offerings and awards, patent filings, web monitorings, and relevant organizations.

Technology Landscaping Business Case:

Big Data Scouting for Heavy Truck Manufacturer

Mobility Innovation Vetting

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People & Organizations

For tech scouting teams focused on people and organizations we offer a Crunchbase integration within our platform.  


Crunchbase is a platform for finding business information about private and public companies. Crunchbase information includes investments and funding information, founding members and individuals in leadership positions, mergers and acquisitions, news, and industry trends.

Technology Scouting Software Allows

Organizations to Find Innovators and Solvers

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World Wide Patent Data

For tech scouting teams focused on patents we offer a full-service integration within our platform.  


Our patent database provides coverage of over 90 countries worldwide, offering full-text data from organizations such as the European Patent Office (EPO), World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), America, China, Germany, Japan. Teams focused on competitive monitoring and analysis, patent portfolio management, mergers and acquisitions, and licensing are able to plan and implement strategies with real-time patent data and reporting.


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See for yourself how Ezassi’s Tech Scouting Software can help you discover

your next incremental, adjacent or transformational innovation.