Once users are inside a community, there is limitless engagement that happens to promote innovation.
Potential solvers are invited to participate and engage through multiple engagement channels, including email, social media outreach, affiliate marketing and targeted advertising.
Using AI-powered search automation, machine learning and deep learning to uncover, discover and disrupt innovative solutions — matchmaking innovation technology.
The Technology Landscaping user, the “scout,” can obtain – in less than 30 seconds – real-time query results that might otherwise take days or weeks to find…if found at all. Queries can be further refined, drilled-down into for deeper analysis or used to surface a broader universe of innovations and ideas the company may not have even known existed.
Technology Landscaping confirms that this is an steady-growing emerging technology topic over the past 8 years, as evidenced by sources produced in 2010 to today in 2018.
Technology Landscaping further reveals that this topic is currently dominated by small companies and startups, having moved out of the academia space.
Ideas were captured previously through getting the word out to the internal and external sources know. Once the Big Data Scouting was implemented, the system allows for outreach and capturing ideas from discovered expert solvers.
In this instance, patent inventors were the desired target.
15 targeted emerging technology patent solutions in the protein-enriched food space, with a focus on benefits of gelatin and collagen.
Big Data Scouting analysis performed in one day, with narrowed technology focus vs. weeks of research and analysis.
Contact us to learn what comes next with our idea management and scouting technology solutions. There’s much more to this story we’d like to share with you.