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Innovating the Energy, Oil & Gas Industries

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Transform to clean energy with strategic innovation!

Connect to high-powered technologies and targeted research using Innovation Management Software.

Your industry demands excellence in cross-functional research, engineering, operations, and quality assurance teams to secure successful outcomes. Idea Management Software supports confidential company, vendor, and client ideation and brainstorming. Pipeline Management Software maximizes collaboration and teamwork effectiveness. Technology Discovery Software tracks emerging technologies, new patents, disruptive startups, SMEs, and potential partnerships. Ezassi’s Innovation Management platform supports organizational growth and innovation with powerful tools for ideation, collaboration, and technology scouting.


Don’t limit opportunities and impact; provide your Innovation team a full solution suite from Ezassi.


Propel your company to the forefront of environmental responsibility by optimizing processes and developing cutting-edge technologies that minimize environmental impact. The focus on fostering innovation will demonstrate your organization’s unwavering dedication to continuously generating inventive solutions, leading to a dynamic and evolving approach in tackling carbon emissions challenges. Through the integration of innovation management principles, position yourself as a trailblazer in the energy sector’s transition towards sustainability. Actively contribute to global efforts in combating climate change, solidifying your reputation as a leader committed to a greener future.


By implementing a systematic innovation strategy and providing critical support to R&D teams, the entire Oil & Gas Industry can transform the future of energy. Our advanced discovery tool aids in this process by providing valuable insights and data from a wide range of global sources. It empowers industry professionals to stay ahead of the curve, identify cutting-edge technologies, locate potential partners, and find subject matter experts who can contribute to overcoming these challenges. With our tool, you can save significant time and resources, enhance your targeted searches, uncover related technologies, and ultimately achieve cost savings. Join us in creating a better future by harnessing the power of innovation and leading the way in this critical industry.

Innovative Insights & Research Reports

Open Innovation Challenge

Fast Charging Anodes

Engage diverse technology expertise to help innovate electric vehicle batteries.

smart grid

Innovation Article

Innovation for Energy

Modernize the grid for powerful, reliable, efficient, de-carbonized energy systems.

geothermal energy plant

Emerging Tech Whitepaper

Geothermal Energy 

Insights and practical solutions for sustainable energy implementation.

A Mammoth Innovation in Direct Air Capture and Storage (DAC+S) for Carbon Removal

Climeworks has launched Mammoth, the world’s largest direct air capture and storage plant in Iceland, with a goal capacity of 36,000 tons of CO₂ filtered and stored annually. This innovative facility and its leading technology utilizes ON Power geothermal energy to capture CO₂ from the air, and its partner Carbfix transports and stores the carbon permanently underground. This milestone is part of the company’s ambition to reach carbon removal megaton capacity by 2030 and gigaton by 2050, showcasing their commitment to continuous R&D and operational experience. Its global expansion plans include new hubs and projects in Norway, Kenya, Canada, and the United States. Project Cypress in Louisiana has already received an initial 50 million dollars of project funding from the US DOE Regional DAC Hubs program.


This groundbreaking project is significant in the energy sector’s scaling of innovative carbon capture solutions and demonstrates crucial climate leadership and net-zero strategies for global businesses.

Argonne National Laboratory Autonomous Discovery to Improve Energy Storage

Researchers are initiating autonomous experimentation to accelerate the development of advanced energy storage materials. The lab system integrates robotic sample handling, high-throughput measurement techniques, and machine learning algorithms to autonomously explore material compositions, structures, and properties. By removing the need for manual oversight, the platform can run experiments 24/7 and rapidly iterate through thousands of potential materials to find the best combination of high performing properties. Early results have been promising, identifying new battery electrode materials that outperform commercially available options. Autonomous experimentation holds vast potential to transform the pace of scientific discovery and speed up the development of critical new technologies impacting the energy sector.

Battery-powered Generator Technology

Enterprises must explore innovative approaches to battery storage, including repurposing retired electric vehicle batteries for stationary storage and developing new materials to enhance battery performance and longevity. To make battery storage technologies efficient and accessible, continued investment, innovation, and policy support to accelerate their adoption and maximize their potential impact on global sustainability efforts is necessary.

One example of new innovation in mobile energy storage is Moxion Power, recognized as a TIME’s Best Invention recipient in 2023. They develop mobile battery energy storage systems (BESS) as a more sustainable, 100 percent electric option over diesel fuel generators for temporary power applications.

moxion power

Kraft Heinz Partners with Carlton Power for Green Hydrogen

Food giant Kraft Heinz’s groundbreaking green hydrogen project with Carlton Power in the UK is a highlight on the evolving energy landscape. This ambitious initiative, aiming to fuel 50% of a major manufacturing plant with renewable hydrogen demonstrates an effective innovation pipeline dedicated to ESG transformations. The strategic alignment of important corporate goals with the external technological expertise of an energy development company is a perfect example of phased approach open innovation. If successful, this project presents a replicable model for wider industry adoption, accelerating the global green transition. Improved innovation program management can drive similar ESG initiatives forward, providing a roadmap for other companies in related industries to follow.

carlton power

Department of Energy Evaluation of Future Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) Exports

As an Innovation Program provider who works closely with the Oil, Gas, and Energy industry, we’d like to explore the financial and economic implications of the new pause of US Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) exports to non-FTA countries. This temporary pause was put into place to reevaluate current market conditions and update data associated with many factors such as the impact on national security and foreign policy, the price of natural gas for our allies and in American homes, as well as overall impact on the environment. The US is currently the largest exporter of LNG in the world and this change is likely to have a mixed impact on the energy sector, with both positive and negative consequences for different stakeholders.


Negative impacts:

LNG producers:
Reduced export volumes will lead to lower revenues and profits, potentially impacting their investments in innovative new projects and exploration activities.


Natural gas pipeline operators:
Lower LNG exports will result in less natural gas flowing through pipelines, reducing revenue for pipeline operators.


It is important to note that the American Petroleum Institute and 31 other leading industry groups have already expressed their concern over this pause on pending LNG export decisions. Their letter to US Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm states, “Our nation’s abundant supply of natural gas is an impactful geopolitical tool, helping insulate American consumers from increasing global instability while advancing American national interests and ensuring the energy security of key U.S. allies.”


Natural gas consumers in non-FTA countries:
The pause in exports could lead to higher natural gas prices for these countries, particularly if they have limited alternative sources of supply.

Positive impacts:

Natural gas consumers in FTA countries:
Some consumers in countries with free trade agreements with the US may benefit from lower natural gas prices due to increased supply in the domestic market.


Global LNG market:
The pause could help to balance supply and demand in the global LNG market in the long run, potentially leading to more stable prices over time.


Environmental considerations:
The future need of abundant US LNG sources in a market demanding greener energy choices should be evaluated now. In an interview on January 26, US Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm said, “Under the Natural Gas Act the Department of Energy is required to assess what is the public interest. We need to update our assessments…Nothing will change in terms of what is currently being exported or what is currently under construction.”


Innovation opportunities:
The temporary halt on approving new LNG exports to non-Free Trade Agreement countries presents an increased opportunity for energy companies to revolutionize and create cutting-edge technologies that can substantially minimize the environmental impact of Liquefied Natural Gas.


Certainly, the implications of the temporary pause are complex and depend on factors including the duration of the pause, alternative supply options for non-FTA countries, and global market conditions. But in the face of geopolitical pressure for supply while balancing important ESG policies, the oil, gas, and energy industry must continuously seek out innovation to remain agile and competitive. Robust innovation programs that utilize focused R&D and expert ideation give organizations the strategies to remain adaptable even in these changing business climates.


Revolutionizing the Energy Industry with Innovation.

The Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC), Africa’s largest oil and gas company, is exploring organization-wide strategies to build an innovation infrastructure and ignite innovative culture. They aim to develop new digital, industrial, and process innovations and capture new technology capabilities across the Energy industry. 

NNPC has a forward-looking goal to drive groundbreaking research, empower cutting-edge technology, and create innovative solutions in the dynamic oil and gas sector. An innovation challenge is specifically designed to address the pressing issues of an industry including the cost of operations, environmental concerns, efficient asset management, and the ever-changing competitive market. It aims to cultivate an innovative culture of intrapreneurship not only within the NNPC organization but also among its varied stakeholders, upstream, midstream, and downstream. Whether the innovation project is focused on diversifying into renewable energy, enhancing production, expanding processing or logistics, or raising the bar on company operations and employee services, an organization dedicated to innovating and embracing change is exactly what the Energy sector demands today.

NNPC logo

Clean Energy- A Vineyard Wind turbine made its first energy delivery to the grid in Massachusetts.

Avangrid and Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners have jointly constructed the first large-scale offshore wind project in the United States, Vineyard Wind. The project is located 15 miles off the coast of Massachusetts and is on track to achieve full commercial operations in 2024, delivering clean energy to the New England grid for 400,000 homes and businesses. The wind farm will have a total of 62 turbines, with 5 turbines already installed and 4 more currently undergoing testing. Once energized, Vineyard Wind will deliver approximately 65 Megawatts of clean energy from five GE Haliade-X turbines. It has the potential to reduce carbon emissions by over 1 million tons each year, the equivalent of taking 325,000 cars off the road annually. The offshore wind industry is expected to play a crucial role in meeting the target of tripling the use of renewable energy, as agreed upon by nearly 200 countries at COP28, by creating power that is renewable, locally produced, and affordable.

energy innovation team

Companies aim to ignite an innovative culture and outperform the competition in today’s fast-paced market. Our tools provide the spark you need to inspire and align project teams, equip intrapreneurs for innovation, and help you lead in disruptive tech. Learn more by scheduling an introductory call with our Innovation Management experts!