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Author: Dillon Carter

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Simply striving for innovation isn’t quite enough. Choosing innovation software features or a platform and seem to make things a bit more complicated while getting started. What should you look for in features? What’s important and what isn’t? All questions that we can easily assist you in answering and help you move forward quicker with your innovation strategy.   The right innovation software features are key to the success of your strategy. With the right software, your innovation efforts should feel streamlined, effortless and, ultimately, effective. There seems to be 10 features of interest that you’ll want to look for while choosing your software.   A Branded Microsite A branded microsite helps maintain your brands image while launching your innovation challenges, whether internal or external. Although, this is more important for external challenges. This ensures you maintain control over your branding always and further pushes that image when it comes to innovation so that your...

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Generating and evaluating innovative ideas using innovation software can sometime be quite difficult as there are multiple phases an idea must go through before fully being accepted and pushed forward to reality. A more organized method for capturing, managing and advancing innovative ideas is required, but is very simple to implement.   External or Internal Innovation Software?   There are two ways for capturing ideas: internal and external. Internal idea capturing/generation is down within the organization and is held privately whereas an external method will rely more on the public or your customers for ideas. Each method has its own pros and cons, but it’s important to be fully aware of each.   Innovative ideas can come from a countless number of places. From internal sources you’ll mostly see ideas coming from Human Resources, your supply chain, manufacturing, engineering and Research and Development. And from External, business partners, customers, consultants, academia, experts, patent holders and industry...

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