Enterprise Innovation Management Research Report
CIMdata Publishes Enterprise Innovation Management Solutions Landscape — Connecting the Dots
eZassi Participates in CIMdata’s Enterprise Innovation Management Solutions Landscape Report Findings
CIMdata recently published this report, eZassi participated in the report findings, providing insight, commentary, discovery and suggestions to aide in guiding enterprise organizations with connecting the dots of enterprise innovation management (EIM).
Expectation of Industrial Companies and Next Gen Enterprise Innovation Management Solutions
CIMdata expects, from this report, “that industrial companies will become more familiar with enterprise innovation enabling technologies and will feel more prepared to invest in the next generation of solutions that are designed to increase their ability to innovate more effectively and sustainably.”
CIMdata incorporated thought-leadership interviews and briefings with four (4) solution providers, including eZassi, and subsequently conducted interviews with chief innovation executives for seven (7) large enterprises, including:
- Electrolux
- Givaudan
- GOJO Industries
- Henkel
- Honeywell
- Procter & Gamble (P&G)
- Sanofi
Interviewing Innovation Executives
Many questions were put forth to the innovation executives to identify how they currently manage innovation, what innovation challenges they have experienced, what solutions they have utilized and what failures they have experienced. Each one identified his or her definition of innovation, breaking enterprise innovation down to outcome-based, strategy-based and journey-based. View the Enterprise Innovation Management research report for more details on the innovation categories.
In coordination with the types of innovation categories within an enterprise, the EIM solutions were categorized as:
- Class 1 — Innovation Engagement
- Class 2 — Innovation Guidance
- Class 3 — Innovation Delivery
eZassi provided intelligence for Class 1 — Innovation Engagement. This particular class houses the following Enterprise Innovation Management solution terms:
- Innovation Management
- Innovation Program Management
- Idea Management
- Crowdsourcing
- Co-creation
- Collaborative Ideation
- Social Ideation
- Social Innovation
- Open Innovation
Enterprise Innovation Management Challenges Facing the Enterprise

In the research report, CIMdata discusses the challenges enterprise businesses face with the types of Innovation Management solution providers classified. Solution providers in the Class 1 arena are abundant, particularly with regards to ideation and idea management, “many solutions lack the sophistication and maturity needed in enterprise-grade software. On the other hand, the thought leaders in this class invest millions of dollars to develop new, proprietary software and best practices for a broader range of solutions. For example, eZassi’s structured capture methodology, which enables enterprises to receive solicited and unsolicited ideas at their Open Innovation portals with better IP controls and governance, addresses a key concern of enterprises when adopting Open Innovation as a strategy.”