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[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Announcing The HIMSS Conference 2018 Speakers Lineup [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Today we are excited to announce the HIMSS Conference 2018 Speakers . The conference date is March 5 - 9, 2018 and will be held in Las Vegas, NV. The speaker lineup includes:[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height="15px"][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_empty_space height="15px"][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Eric Schmidt, Financial Advisor, Former Executive Chairman of Alphabet Inc (Parent company of Google)   Machine learning and the cloud are fueling moonshots that are already changing how we fight disease and improve health for millions of people. But there’s still so much untapped potential. Healthcare is being transformed entirely, with each new technological breakthrough. During the opening keynote, Eric Schmidt will provide his perspectives on what we can do to speed up the progress and make sure technology is being put to its best use, making life better for people everywhere.[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height="40px"][vc_column_text]David Shulkin, MD, Secretary of U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs   The Honorable David J. Shulkin was nominated by President Trump to serve as...

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disruptive solutions mindset 101 coffee break game changers

Upcoming Radio Show Event - Disruptive Solutions Mindset 101 on Coffee Break with Game-Changers Radio LIVE Wednesday, August 16, 2017 at 8 am PT / 11 am ET. Disruptive Solutions Mindset. Listen live. Please join us as Denise Fletcher, our Chief Innovation Officer, will be a guest speaker on the Coffee Break with Game-Changers radio show, hosted by Bonnie D. Graham. ...

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Innovation is the dynamic process of developing new or disruptive products, methods, or services. It doesn’t occur by accident or in a vacuum. Instead, innovation is guided by leaders who understand its demands and complexities, and are willing to share this knowledge with others. Innovation leaders share specific traits that naturally suit them to this role. These leaders are:...

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FEI Boston Recap

FEI Boston - An Event Grounded in Remarkable People   There were over 500 people at FEI Boston 2017. I’ve been attending and speaking at FEI the last five years and noticed that this year’s attendees were from more diverse areas of responsibility.  For those who did attend you can access the presentations on line at:   Login to FEI Connect Click on the 'Presentation' tab   FEI Boston Highlights     In the next couple of weeks you will receive a link to the FEI Executive Summary. This will include key takeaways, summaries and highlights from the keynote sessions, as well as select track sessions. The goal of the executive summary is to ensure the insights you gathered at the event stay top of mind — and make them easy to distribute to your teams back at the office.   My personal favorite was hearing from Clayton Christensen around the job to be done. Having been in Innovation for...

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People are territorial by nature, protective of their homes, job duties, and relationships. We don’t like others infringing on areas we have claimed as our own. Companies are organizations of people working toward a common goal. As a human endeavor, the corporation’s culture embodies human traits including a suspicion of outsiders and fierce protectionism of its entrenched systems. Unfortunately, these typical business characteristics inhibit the organization achieving true open innovation.   The Open Innovation/Traditional Corporate Culture Clash Traditional business culture is founded on specific beliefs:   No one can do it better than we can. Everyone has a job and job title and need to stay within their roles. Data silos organize information and protect sensitive information. With few exceptions, how we’ve always done it is just fine so why change it. Our processes are secrets to be protected from outsiders. Innovation and market response is important, but it’s more important that we control...

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Open Innovation is grounded in the belief that great ideas can come from any source and an organization’s internal expertise will transform those ideas into market value. The challenge comes when an organization chooses to shift from a closed innovation system to an open one. The decision to make this change will not be successful unless it is accompanied by a corresponding adjustment in corporate culture. The Cultural Shift When we discuss a corporation’s culture, we are in essence referring to its personality. It is rooted in shared values, attitudes and traditions that its leaders and employees believe in. As a result, corporate culture directs how its people behave toward each other and those outside the company. For long-term business success, this culture must align with corporate goals, strategies, and vision. Although each company is different, most have a traditional corporate culture that includes the belief that all innovation is internally driven. An...

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Open innovation injects new ideas into an organization by providing the ability for non-employees to submit concepts for consideration. The process relies on a pool of involved and enthusiastic contributors who want to participate in the process. The challenge is how to attract and engage these innovators in a way that sustains their interest and increases the quality of their submissions. Gamification is an excellent tool to achieve this goal.   Gamification is the process of transforming tasks or processes into a competitive process to engage users, solve problems, increase productivity, and drive innovation. It encourages ongoing participation, which keeps the open innovation ideas flowing.   Gamification Systems The concept of gamification is part of our everyday lives, in that certain systems encourage our active participation. Examples include: Airline Frequent Flyer Programs Real-time Fuel Usage Tracker Apps One Day Sales Crosswalk Countdowns Credit Card Rewards Store Savings Apps   Each of these systems gives rewards for participation,...

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idea management

The shift from closed innovation to open innovation is the defining characteristic of this decade. Startups are able to compete with billionaires, disrupting entire industries from cheaply assembled DIY workspaces. Even large companies like Microsoft are replacing private R&D with open source methods. All entrepreneurs, freelancers, and members of technology-focused industries should study this change. Open Innovation is a Revolution Many of the biggest innovations of the last few decades were built upon pre-existing infrastructure. Jeff Bezos, the founder, and CEO of Amazon, spoke about this concept at the Code Conference in 2016. He explained that the internet was only made possible by the existence of telephone lines. As the infrastructure grows, so does the possibility for innovation. Manufacturers are already starting to build products on the newly emerging infrastructures of 3-D printing and artificial intelligence. This is exactly what open innovation is about. How To Embrace Open Innovation The notion of building products upon public...

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Ezassi's Innovation Management Software v3.0 makes it easy for companies, large and small, to manage their open innovation process from idea capture to creating winning products and services.   Today, we'll cover three key features from this version 3.0 including:   1. Innovation Portal 2. Easy Registration and Single-Sign-On 3. Customized Content for All Audience Types   One of the key features of version 3.0 is the innovation portal.   1. Version 3.0 Includes a Uniquely Branded, Public Facing Innovation Portal This easy to find, uniquely branded, public facing innovation portal website can run off a custom URL or your corporate domain.   2. Easy Registration and Single Sign On From one single point of entry, employees, external users, and administrators can log in to participate in and manage all aspects of the innovation process. One-click registration and auto-profiling make it easy for users to instantly auto-populate profile information from social networks such as LinkedIn and others. Single Sign On (SSO) allows employees...

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enterprise innovation management EIM

CIMdata Publishes Enterprise Innovation Management Solutions Landscape — Connecting the Dots [vc_row][vc_column][qodef_button size="" type="solid" hover_animation="" target="_blank" icon_pack="" font_weight="" text="View Report" link="//" font_size="16"][/vc_column][/vc_row] [vc_empty_space] eZassi Participates in CIMdata's Enterprise Innovation Management Solutions Landscape Report Findings CIMdata recently published this report, eZassi participated in the report findings, providing insight, commentary, discovery and suggestions to aide in guiding enterprise organizations with connecting the dots of enterprise innovation management (EIM). Expectation of Industrial Companies and Next Gen Enterprise Innovation Management Solutions CIMdata expects, from this report, “that industrial companies will become more familiar with enterprise innovation enabling technologies and will feel more prepared to invest in the next generation of solutions that are designed to increase their ability to innovate more effectively and sustainably.” [vc_row][vc_column][vc_empty_space height="20px"][/vc_column][/vc_row] CIMdata incorporated thought-leadership interviews and briefings with four (4) solution providers, including eZassi, and subsequently conducted interviews with chief innovation executives for seven (7) large enterprises, including: [vc_row][vc_column][vc_empty_space height="10px"][/vc_column][/vc_row] Electrolux Givaudan GOJO Industries Henkel Honeywell Procter &...

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