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Enterprise Innovation

Open Innovation Convincing the Decision Makers

Open Innovation Shouldn't Be a Hard Sell. But, All Too Often, It Is. At Ezassi, we believe whole-heartedly in the importance of Open Innovation for the survival of businesses. That being said, we also fully recognize that convincing decision makers to go forward with Open Innovation initiatives can be a hard sell. It almost seems counterintuitive that the same leaders who were responsible for launching and cultivating a successful business, would be resistant to change even in the face of evolving markets. Yet all too often, that is the case. Open Innovation convincing decision makers should be a primary focus.   This means that it falls on employees to make the case for Open Innovation and convincing the decision makers, which can be a thin line to walk. To help you navigate these choppy waters, we put together a comprehensive guide entitled, “How to Make Open Innovation an Easy Sell in Your Organization,”...

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pharma accelerate innovation

Pharmaceutical Accelerate Innovation with Software Technology     First, A Look at Deloitte's US Life Sciences Outlook Report   Deloitte released the 2017 US Life Sciences Outlook and the report discusses some very important points for the pharmaceutical sector to consider. It’s a great report and one worth reading. Let’s compound this with a few other events occurring in this space: The healthcare bill on the senate floor that’s yet to be determined. The more informed consumers that think nothing of taking to social media to complain about the cost of care and drug prices. The press and evening news reporting immediately on the fallout from social media and drug prices. High deductible plans continue to trend upwards which equates to more consumers paying more out of their wallet for healthcare. And then there's Amazon...

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[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Enterprise level innovation is the practice of looking beyond the organization’s R&D systems and past its discrete departments, to connect with global collaborators and improve business agility. This practice harnesses the benefits of open innovation to achieve specific enterprise-level goals. Why Enterprise Level Innovation (ELI) Matters The lifespan of large, successful companies is shrinking, and this trend is expected to continue. In 1965, the corporate lifespan of those listed on the S&P 500 was 33 years. By 1990, it shrank to 20 years, and it’s expected to drop to 14 years by 2026. Some of this change is due to mergers and bankruptcies, but a leading cause is market disrupters and innovators. This is a stark reminder of a simple truth: A company will not enjoy longevity in the marketplace without reinventing itself. The reason most businesses fail at this process is that they are not built for delivery or business agility,...

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