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Open Innovation

creating a culture of innovation

As companies increasingly recognize the importance of innovation and disruptive solutions to remain competitive, the big question remains: where does innovation come from and how a culture of innovation be cultivated? While it might certainly seem like a big question with a complicated answer, for most companies the solution within reach more than they could have ever imagined. Contrary to popular belief, existing employees account for the vast majority of innovative ideas and the right software can help unlock innovation while also shifting the entire company culture.   Companies who feel static, often look to outside sources for new ideas, but studies show that internal employees actually represent the best source of innovative ideas. The real challenge is creating a culture of innovation where employees feel free to share ideas and question the status quo. Here we have put together some of our most important findings regarding these issues in the article,...

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[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]At Ezassi, we work with global innovation leaders who all are constantly grappling with the same big question: where do innovative ideas come from? While there is no definitive answer that can be applied across the board to all businesses and industries, exploring this question helps to shape strategies and find the right balance between fostering internal innovation and investing in open innovation. Simply pursing this question helps companies remain focused on being adaptive and progressive and avoid becoming static in a dynamic business environment. Innovation is more than just a buzzword, but it does have the tendency to feel like an abstract concept that lacks concrete boundaries that can be easily defined. Most businesses recognize that innovation is essential to remaining competitive, but aren’t sure where to begin. The feeling that there are too many choices can stall progress, especially when leaders fear making the wrong decision.   Where Do Innovative Ideas...

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disruptive solutions mindset 101 coffee break game changers

Upcoming Radio Show Event - Disruptive Solutions Mindset 101 on Coffee Break with Game-Changers Radio LIVE Wednesday, August 16, 2017 at 8 am PT / 11 am ET. Disruptive Solutions Mindset. Listen live. Please join us as Denise Fletcher, our Chief Innovation Officer, will be a guest speaker on the Coffee Break with Game-Changers radio show, hosted by Bonnie D. Graham. ...

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Open Innovation Convincing the Decision Makers

Open Innovation Shouldn't Be a Hard Sell. But, All Too Often, It Is. At Ezassi, we believe whole-heartedly in the importance of Open Innovation for the survival of businesses. That being said, we also fully recognize that convincing decision makers to go forward with Open Innovation initiatives can be a hard sell. It almost seems counterintuitive that the same leaders who were responsible for launching and cultivating a successful business, would be resistant to change even in the face of evolving markets. Yet all too often, that is the case. Open Innovation convincing decision makers should be a primary focus.   This means that it falls on employees to make the case for Open Innovation and convincing the decision makers, which can be a thin line to walk. To help you navigate these choppy waters, we put together a comprehensive guide entitled, “How to Make Open Innovation an Easy Sell in Your Organization,”...

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Innovation is the dynamic process of developing new or disruptive products, methods, or services. It doesn’t occur by accident or in a vacuum. Instead, innovation is guided by leaders who understand its demands and complexities, and are willing to share this knowledge with others. Innovation leaders share specific traits that naturally suit them to this role. These leaders are:...

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FEI Europe — Adapt, disrupt, innovate. This year’s FEI Europe conference in London was full of energy and ideas and I left feeling more motivated and inspired than ever to continue to find new ways to disrupt stale approaches to innovation. While every success should be celebrated, it is vital that companies don’t make the mistake of resting on their laurels. We must continue to innovate and look for new ways to think about and use technology. The good news is that there was plenty of that happening at FEI Europe.   London provided the perfect backdrop for a week of exchanging ideas at FEI Europe. The city is a unique combination of history and modernity that constantly reminds us of the importance of our past and the need to create a better future. It also didn’t hurt that I got the opportunity to meet with other thought leaders and enjoy world class...

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Intellectual Property (IP) Protection is the biggest obstacle to an effective, sustained open innovation initiative. IP protection is complicated because both the company and potential contributors have developed concepts and systems, and sharing them brings risks unless tools are in place to protect it. The challenge is to balance these competing IP needs to assure a continual flow of quality submissions. Ezassi has IP protection built into our robust Idea & Open Innovation Management Solution, allowing organizations to confidently maximize the benefits of an OI system.   The Need for IP Protection for Open Innovation Intellectual Property protection is necessary to Open Innovation for three reasons:   Trust. Open Innovation requires the development of a symbiotic relationship between the Corporation and its contributors. For this to occur, there must be trust between the parties that their IP will not be exploited by the other. An effective IP protection establishes the trust environment.   Reputation. Companies must have...

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